Quran Comparison of
( English & Urdu )
All Praise to Allah, the Lord Of The Creation, and countless
blessings and peace
upon our Master Mohammed, the leader of the Prophets.
The English Translation of the Holy Quran available here is called "The Treasure of Faith". It is in simple, easy to understand modern day English. Explanations are given in brackets to avoid ambiguity, provide better understanding & references to similar verses elsewhere.Readers are requested to pray for the salvation of the entire Ummah of Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him).Commercial use is NOT ALLOWED.
All rights are reserved by US International Copyrights -
English Translated by Mohammed Aqib Farid Qadri
Table of Contents:
1.SURAH AL-FATHIHA. Makkah. 1 Sections. 7 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
2.SURAH AL-BAQRA. Madina. 40 sections. 286 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
3.SURAH AL-IMRAN. Madina. 19 Section. 200 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
4 AL-NISA. Madina. 24 Sections. 176 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
5.SURAH AL-MAIDA. Madina. 16 Sections. 120 Verses. (Ayyah 001-002)
6.SURAH AL-ANAAM. Makkah. 20 Sections. 165 verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
7.AL-ARAF. Makkah. 24 Sections. 206 verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
8.SURAH AL-ANFAL. Madina. 10 Sections. 75 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
9.SURAH AL-TAUBA. Madina. 16 Sections. 129 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
10.SURAH YUNUS. Makkah. 11 Sections. 109 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
11.SURAH HUD. Makkah. 10 Sections. 123 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
12.SURAH YUSUF. Makkah. 12 Sections. 111 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
13.SURAH AL-RAAD. Madina. 6 Sections. 43 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
14.SURAH IBRAHIM. Makkah. 7 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
15.SURAH AL-HIJR. Makkah. 6 Sections. 99 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
16.SURAH AN-NAHL. Makkah. 16 Sections. 128 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
17.SURAH BANI-ISRAEL Makkah. 12 Sections. 111 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
18.SURAH AL-KAHF. Makkah. 12 Sections. 110 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
19.SURAH AL-MARYAM. Makkah.. 6 Sections. 98 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
20.SURAH AL-TAHA. Makkah. 8 Sections, and 135 Verses (Ayyah 001-012)
21.SURAH AL-ANBIA Makkah. 7 Sections. 112 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
22.SURAH AL-HAJJ. Reveled Madina-Part at Makkah 10 Sections. 78 Verses. (Ayyah001-005)
23.SURAH AL-MOMINOON. Makkah 6 Sections and 118 Verses. (Ayyah 001-017)
24.SURAH AL-NOOR. Madina 9 Sections and 64 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
25.SURAH AL-FURQUAN. Makkah. 6 Sections. 77 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
26.SURAH AL-SHUARA. Makkah. 11 Sections. 227 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
27.SURAH AL-NAML. Makkah. 7 Section. 93 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
28.SURAH AL-QASAS. Makkah. 9 Sections. 88 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
29.SURAH AL-ANKABUT. Makkah. 7 Sections. 69 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
30.SURAH AL-RUM. Makkah. 6 sections. 60 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
31.SURAH LUQMAN. Makkah. 4 Sections. 34 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
32.SURAH AL-SAJDA. Makkah. 3 Sections. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
33.SURAH AL-AHZAB. Madina. 9 Sections. 73 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
34.SURAH SHEBA. Makkah. 6 Sections. 54 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
35.SURAH FATIR. Makkah. 5 Sections. 45 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)
36.SURAH YASIN. Makkah. 5 Sections. 83 Verses. (Ayyah 001-012)
37.SURAH AL-SAFFAT. Makkah. 5 Sections. 182 Verses. (Ayyah 001-024)
38.SURAH AL-SAD. Makkah. 5 Sections. 88 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
39.SURAH AL-ZUMAR. Makkah. 8 Sections. 75 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
40.SURAH AL-MOMIN. Makkah. 9 Sections. 85 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
41.SURAH HA MIM-SAJDAH. Makkah. 6 Sections. 54 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
42.SURAH AL-SHURA. Makkah. 5 Sections. 53 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
43.SURAH AL-ZUKHRUF. Makkah. 7 Sections. 89 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
44.SURAH AL-DOKHAN. Makkah. 3 Sections. 59 Verses. (Ayyah 001-018)
45.SURAH AL-JATHIAH. Makkah. 4 Sections. 37 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
46.SURAH AL-AHQUAF. Makkah. 4 Sections. 35 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
47.SURAH MOHAMMAD. Madina. 4 Sections. 38 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
48.SURAH AL-FATH. Madina. 4 Sections. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
49.SURAH AL-HOJORAT. Madina. 2 Sections. 18 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
50.SURAH QAF. Makkah. 3 Sections. 45 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
51.SURAH AL-ZARIAT. Makkah, 3 Sections, 60 Verses. (Ayyah 001-030)
52.SURAH-AL-TUR. Makkah. 2 Sections. 49 Verses. (Ayyah 001-014)
53.SURAH AL-NAJM. Makkah. 3 Sections. 62 Verses. (Ayyah 001-026)
54.SURAH AL-QAMAR. Makkah. 3 Sections. 55 Verses. (Ayyah 001-027)
55.SURAH-AL-RAHMAN. Madina. 3 Sections. 78 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
56.SURAH AL-WAQUIAH. Makkah. 3 Sections. 96 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
57.SURAH AL-HADID. Madina. 4 Sections. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
58.SURAH AL-MUJADILAH. Madina. 3 Sections. 22 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
59.SURAH-AL-HASHR. Madina. 3 Sections. 24 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
60.SURAH AL-MUMTAHINAH. Madina. 2 Sections. 13 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
61.SURAH AL-SAFF. Madina. 2 Sections. 14 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
62.SURAH AL-JUMAH. Madina. 2 Sections. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
63.SURAH AL-MUNAFIQUOON. Madina. 2 Sections. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
64.SURAH AL-TAGHABUN. Madina. 2 Sections. 18 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
65.SURAH AL-TALAQ. Madina. 2 Sections. 12 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
66.SURAH AL-TAHRIM. Madina. 2 Sections. 12 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
67.SURAH AL-MULK. Makkah. 2 Sections. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-012)
68.SURAH AL-QALAM. Makkah. 2 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
69.SURAH AL-HAQQAH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-034)
70.SURAH AL-MAARIJ. Makkah. 2 Sections. 44 Verses. (Ayyah 001-044)
71.SURAH NUH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 28 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
72.SURAH AL-JINN. Makkah. 2 Sections. 28 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
73.SURAH AL MOZAMMIL. Makkah. 2 Sections. 20 Verses. (Ayyah 001-020)
74.SURAH AL-MUDATHTHIR. Makkah. 2 Sections. 56 verses. (Ayyah 001-056)
75.SURAH AL-QIYAMAH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 40 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
76.SURAH AL-DAHR. Madina. 2 Sections. 31 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
77.SURAH AL-MURSALAT. Makkah. 2 Sections. 50 verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
78.SURAH AL-NABA. Makkah. 2 Sections. 40 Verses. (Ayyah 001-040)
79.SURAH AL-NAZIAT. Makkah. 2 Sections. 46 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
80.SURAH ABASA. Makkah. 1 Section 42 Verses. (Ayyah 001-042)
81.SURAH AL-TAKWIR. Makkah. 1 Section. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-029)
82.SURAH AL-INFITAR. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
83.SURAH AL-TATFIF. Makkah. 1 Section. 36 Verses. (Ayyah 001-036)
84.SURAH AL-INSHIQAQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 25 Verses. (Ayyah 001-025)
85.SURAH AL-BURUJ. Makkah. 1 Section. 22 Verses. (Ayyah 001-022)
86.SURAH AL-TARIQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 17 Verses. (Ayyah 001-017)
87.SURAH AL-ALA. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
88.SURAH AL-GHASIYAH. Makkah. 1 Section. 26 Verses. (Ayyah 001-026)
89.SURAH AL-FAJR. Makkah. 1 Section. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-030)
90.SURAH AL-BALAD. Makkah. 1 Section. 20 Verses. (Ayyah 001-020)
91.SURAH AL-SHAMS. Makkah. 1 Section. 15 verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
92.SURAH AL-LAIL. Makkah. 1 Section. 21 Verses. (Ayyah 001-021)
93.SURAH AL-DUHA. Makkah. 1 Section. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
94.SURAH AL-INSHIRAH-94 Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
95.SURAH AL-TIN. Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
96.SURAH AL-ALAQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
97.SURAH AL-QADR. Makkah. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
98.SURAH AL-BAYYINAH. Madina. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
99.SURAH AL-ZILZAL. Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
100.SURAH AL-ADIYAT. Makkah. 1 Section. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
101.SURAH AL-QARIAH. Makkah. 1 Section. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
102.SURAH AL-TAKATUR. Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
103.SURAH AL-ASR. Makkah. 1 Section. 3 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)
104.SURAH AL-HUMAZAH. Makkah. 1 Section. 9 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
105.SURAH AL-FIL. Makkah. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
106.SURAH AL-QURAISH. Makkah. 1 Section. 4 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
107.SURAH ALMAUN. Makkah. 1 Section. 7 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
108.SURAH AL-KAUSAR. Makkah. 1 Section. 3 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)
109.SURAH AL-KAFIRUN. Makkah. 1 Section. 6 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
110.SURAH AL-NASAR. Madina. 1 Section. 3 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)
111.SURAH AL-LAHAB. Makkah. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
112.SURAH AL-IKHLAS. Makkah. 1 Section. 4 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
113.SURAH AL-FALAQ. Madina. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
114.SURAH AL-NAS. Madina. 1 Section. 6 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)