[Ana`am 6:9] And had we appointed an angel as a Prophet, We would still have made him as a man and would keep them in the same doubt, as they are now in.

[Ana`am 6:10] And certainly, O dear Prophet (Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) the Noble Messengers before you have also been mocked at, so those who laughed at them were themselves ruined by their own mocking.

Section 2

[Ana`am 6:11] Proclaim, �Travel in the land, and see what sort of fate befell those who denied.�

[Ana`am 6:12] Say, �To Whom does all whatever is in the heavens and the earth, belong?� Proclaim, �To Allah�; He has prescribed mercy upon His grace; undoubtedly, He will surely gather you all together on the Day of Resurrection in which there is no doubt; those who put their souls to ruin, do not accept faith.

[Ana`am 6:13] And to Him only belongs all whatever exists in the night and in the day; and He only is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.

[Ana`am 6:14] Say, �Shall I choose as a supporter someone other than Allah, Who is the Originator of the heavens and the earth and Who feeds and does not need to eat?� Say, �I have been ordered to be the first to submit myself (to Him), and O people, do not be of the polytheists.�

[Ana`am 6:15] Say, �If I disobey my Lord, I then fear the punishment of the Great Day (of Resurrection).�

[Ana`am 6:16] Indeed Allah�s mercy has been upon him, from whom the punishment has been averted on that Day; and this is the clear success.

[Ana`am 6:17] And if Allah afflicts you with some misfortune, then there is none who can remove it, except Him; and if He sends you some good fortune, then (know that) He is Able to do all things.

[Ana`am 6:18] He is the Omnipotent over His bondmen; and He is the Wise, the Aware.