[Nisa 4:75] And what is the matter with you, that you should not fight in Allah�s cause and for the feeble men, and women, and children, who invoke, "Our Lord! Liberate us from this town, the people of which are unjust; and give us a protector from Yourself; and give us a supporter from Yourself." (Allah has created many supporters for the believers.)

[Nisa 4:76] The believers fight for Allah�s cause; and the disbelievers fight for the devil�s cause - so fight against the friends of the devil; undoubtedly the devil�s conspiracy is weak.


Section 11


[Nisa 4:77] Did you not see those to whom it was said, "Restrain your hands, keep the prayer established and pay the charity"; but when fighting was ordained for them, some of them started fearing people, the way they feared Allah - or even greater! And they said, "Our Lord! Why have You ordained fighting for us? If only You would have let us live some more!" Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), "The usage of this world is meagre; and the Hereafter is better for the pious; and you will not be wronged even (the weight of) a single thread."

[Nisa 4:78] Death will come to you wherever you may be, even if you were in strong fortresses; if some good reaches them they say, "This is from Allah"; and if any misfortune reaches them, they say, "This is from you"; say, "Everything is from Allah"; what is wrong with these people, that they do not seem to understand anything?

[Nisa 4:79] Whatever good reaches you, O listeners, is from Allah, and whatever ill reaches you is from yourselves; and We have sent you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) as a Noble Messenger towards all mankind; and Allah is Sufficient, as a Witness.