[Ana`am 6:125] And whomever Allah wills to guide, He opens his bosom for Islam; and whomever He wills to send astray, He makes his bosom narrow and firmly bound as if he were being forced by someone to climb the skies; this is how Allah places the punishment on those who do not believe.

[Ana`am 6:126] And this is the Straight Path of your Lord; We have explained in detail Our verses for the people who accept advice.

[Ana`am 6:127] For them is the abode of peace with their Lord and He is their Master - the result of their deeds.

[Ana`am 6:128] And the Day when He will raise them all and will proclaim, �O you group of jinns, you have enticed a lot of men�; and their human friends will submit, �Our Lord, some of us have benefited from one another and have reached the appointed term which You had set for us�; He will say, �Your home is hell - remain in it for ever, except whomever Allah wills�; O dear Prophet (Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), indeed your Lord is the Wise, the All Knowing.

[Ana`am 6:129] And similarly We empower some of the oppressors over others - the recompense of their deeds.

Section 16

[Ana`am 6:130] �O you groups of jinns and men! Did not the Noble Messengers amongst you come to you reciting My verses and warning you of confronting this day?� They will say, �We testify against ourselves� - and the worldly life deceived them and they will testify against themselves that they were disbelievers.

[Ana`am 6:131] This is because your Lord does not unjustly destroy townships for their people may be unaware.