Section 1
Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful [Juma`h 62:1] All whatever is in the heavens and all whatever
is in the earth proclaims the Purity of Allah, the King, the Most Pure,
the Most Honourable, the Wise.
[Juma`h 62:2] It is He Who has sent among the unlettered
people a Noble Messenger from themselves, who recites His verses to them
and purifies them, and bestows them the knowledge of the Book and wisdom;
and indeed before this, they were in open error.
[Juma`h 62:3] And he (the Holy Prophet) bestows
knowledge to others along with them, who have not yet joined them; and
He only is the Most Honourable, the Wise.
[Juma`h 62:4] This is Allah�s munificence, which He may
give to whomever He wills; and Allah is Extremely Munificent.
[Juma`h 62:5] The example of those who were entrusted
with the Taurat, and did not carry out its commands, is like the donkey
carrying books; what a wretched example is of the people who denied the
signs of Allah; and Allah does not guide the unjust.
[Juma`h 62:6] Say, �O Jews! If you assume that you are
Allah�s friends, others are not, then wish for death if you are truthful!�
[Juma`h 62:7] And they will never wish for it because
of the misdeeds their hands have sent ahead; and Allah well knows the unjust.
[Juma`h 62:8] Proclaim (O dear Prophet Mohammed � peace
and blessings be upon him), �Indeed death which you run away from will
surely confront you, then you will be returned to Him Who knows all the
hidden and the visible - He will then inform you of what you did.�
Section 2
[Juma`h 62:9] O People who Believe! When the call for
prayer is given on (Friday) the day of congregation, rush towards
the remembrance of Allah and stop buying and selling; this is better for
you if you understand.
[Juma`h 62:10] And when the prayer ends, spread out in
the land and seek Allah�s munificence, and profusely remember Allah, in
the hope of attaining success.
[Juma`h 62:11] And when they see some trade or sport,
they move towards it and leave you standing delivering the sermon; proclaim,
�That which is with Allah, is better than sport and trade; and the sustenance
of Allah is the best.�