Section 1

Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[Zariyat 51:1] By oath of those which carry away while dispersing.

[Zariyat 51:2] Then by oath of those which carry the burdens.

[Zariyat 51:3] Then by oath of those which move with ease.

[Zariyat 51:4] Then by oath of those which distribute by the command.

[Zariyat 51:5] Undoubtedly, the promise you are given is surely true.

[Zariyat 51:6] And undoubtedly justice will surely be done.

[Zariyat 51:7] And by oath of the decorated heaven.

[Zariyat 51:8] You are indeed in different opinions regarding this Qur�an.

[Zariyat 51:9] Only those who are destined to revert, are reverted from it.

[Zariyat 51:10] Slain be those who mould from their imaginations.

[Zariyat 51:11] Those who have forgotten in a state of intoxication.

[Zariyat 51:12] They ask, �When will be the Day of Judgement?�

[Zariyat 51:13] It will be on the day when they will be roasted in the fire.

[Zariyat 51:14] And it will be said to them, �Taste your own roasting; this is what you were impatient for.�

[Zariyat 51:15] Indeed the pious are among Gardens and water springs.

[Zariyat 51:16] Accepting the rewards given by their Lord; they were indeed virtuous before this.

[Zariyat 51:17] They used to sleep only a little during the night.

[Zariyat 51:18] And used to seek forgiveness before dawn.

[Zariyat 51:19] And the beggar and the destitute had a share in their wealth.

[Zariyat 51:20] And in the earth are signs for those who are certain.

[Zariyat 51:21] And in your own selves; so can you not perceive?

[Zariyat 51:22] And in the heaven lies your sustenance, and the promise you are given.

[Zariyat 51:23] So by oath of the Lord of the heavens and the earth, this Qur�an is the Truth, in the same language that you speak.

Section 2

[Zariyat 51:24] Did the news of Ibrahim�s honourable guests reach you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him)?

[Zariyat 51:25] When they came to him and said, �Peace�; he answered, �Peace�; and thought, �These people are not familiar.�

[Zariyat 51:26] Then he went to his home - so he brought a healthy calf.

[Zariyat 51:27] He then presented it before them and said, �Do you not eat?�

[Zariyat 51:28] He therefore inwardly sensed fear of them; they said, �Do not fear!�; and they gave him the glad tidings of a knowledgeable son.

[Zariyat 51:29] So his wife came screaming, and striking her forehead cried, �What! For a barren old woman?�

[Zariyat 51:30] They said, �This is how your Lord has decreed; indeed He only is the Wise, the All Knowing.�