[Saffat 37:103] Then (remember) when they both submitted to Allah�s command, and Ibrahim lay his son facing downwards. (The knife did not hurt Ismail)

[Saffat 37:104] And We called out to him, �O Ibrahim!�

[Saffat 37:105] �You have indeed made the dream come true�; and this is how We reward the virtuous.

[Saffat 37:106] Indeed this was a clear test.

[Saffat 37:107] And We rescued him in exchange of a great sacrifice. (The sacrifice of Ibrahim and Ismail � peace be upon them � is commemorated every year on 10,11 and 12 Zil Haj).

[Saffat 37:108] And We kept his praise among the latter generations.

[Saffat 37:109] Peace be upon Ibrahim!

[Saffat 37:110] This is how We reward the virtuous.

[Saffat 37:111] He is indeed one of Our high ranking, firmly believing bondmen.

[Saffat 37:112] And We gave him the glad tidings of Ishaq, a Herald of the Hidden, from among those who deserve Our proximity.

[Saffat 37:113] And We sent blessings upon him and Ishaq; and among their descendants - some who do good deeds, and some who clearly wrong themselves.

Section 4

[Saffat 37:114] And We indeed did a great favour to Moosa and Haroon.

[Saffat 37:115] And rescued them and their people from the great calamity.

[Saffat 37:116] And We helped them, so they were victorious.

[Saffat 37:117] And We bestowed the clear Book to both of them.

[Saffat 37:118] And guided them to the Straight Path.

[Saffat 37:119] And We kept their praise among the latter generations.

[Saffat 37:120] Peace be upon Moosa and Haroon!

[Saffat 37:121] This is how We reward the virtuous.

[Saffat 37:122] Indeed they are two of Our high ranking, firmly believing bondmen.

[Saffat 37:123] And indeed Ilyas is one of the Noble Messengers.

[Saffat 37:124] When he said to his people, �Do you not fear?�

[Saffat 37:125] �What! You worship Baal (an idol) and leave the Best Creator?� -

[Saffat 37:126] �Allah, Who is, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?�