[Saba 34:32] Those who were conceited will say to those who were subdued, �Did we stop you from the guidance after it came to you? In fact you yourselves were guilty!�

[Saba 34:33] Those who were subdued will say to those who were conceited, �Rather it was your deceit during night and day, for you commanded us to deny Allah and to set up equals to Him�; and inwardly they began regretting when they saw the punishment; and We placed shackles around the necks of the disbelievers; what recompense will they get except what they used to do?

[Saba 34:34] And whenever We sent a Herald of Warning to any town, its wealthy people said, �We disbelieve in what you have been sent with.�

[Saba 34:35] And they said, �We are greater in wealth and children; we will not be punished!�

[Saba 34:36] Proclaim �Indeed my Lord eases the sustenance for whomever He wills and restricts it for whomever He wills, but most people do not know.�

Section 5

[Saba 34:37] And your wealth and your children are not capable of bringing you near to Us, but one who believes and did good deeds (is brought close); for them is double the reward � the recompense of their deeds and they are in high positions, in peace.

[Saba 34:38] And those who strive in Our signs in order to defeat, will be brought into the punishment.

[Saba 34:39] Say, �Indeed my Lord eases the sustenance for whomever He wills among His bondmen, and restricts it for whomever He wills; and whatever you spend in Allah's cause, He will restore it; and He is the Best Sustainer.�