Section 1

Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[Shams 91:1] By oath of the sun and its light

[Shams 91:2] And by oath of the moon when it follows the sun

[Shams 91:3] And by oath of the day when it reveals it

[Shams 91:4] And by oath of the night when it hides it

[Shams 91:5] And by oath of the heaven and by oath of Him Who made it.

[Shams 91:6] And by oath of the earth and by oath of Him Who spread it.

[Shams 91:7] And by oath of the soul and by oath of Him Who made it proper.

[Shams 91:8] And inspired in it the knowledge of its sins and its piety.

[Shams 91:9] Indeed successful is the one who made it pure.

[Shams 91:10] And indeed failed is the one who covered it in sin.

[Shams 91:11] The tribe of Thamud denied with rebellion.

[Shams 91:12] When the most wicked among them stood up in defiance.

[Shams 91:13] So the Noble Messenger of Allah said to them, �Stay away from the she camel of Allah, and from its turn to drink.�

[Shams 91:14] In response they belied him, and hamstrung the she camel - so Allah put ruin over them because of their sins and flattened their dwellings.

[Shams 91:15] And He does not at all fear its consequences.