Section 1

Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[Qamar 54:1] The Last Day came near, and the moon split apart.

[Qamar 54:2] And when they see a sign, they turn away and say, �Just a customary magic!�

[Qamar 54:3] And they denied and followed their own desires, whereas each matter has been decided!

[Qamar 54:4] And indeed the news which had a lot of deterrence, came to them.

[Qamar 54:5] The pinnacle of wisdom � so how will the Heralds of warning provide any benefit?

[Qamar 54:6] Therefore turn away from them; on the day when the announcer will call towards a severe unknown matter -

[Qamar 54:7] They will come out from the graves with eyes lowered, as if they were spread locusts.

[Qamar 54:8] Rushing towards the caller; the disbelievers will say, �This is a tough day.�

[Qamar 54:9] Before these, the people of Nooh denied and they belied Our bondman and said, �He is a madman� and rebuffed him.

[Qamar 54:10] He therefore prayed to his Lord, �I am overpowered, therefore avenge me.�

[Qamar 54:11] We therefore opened the gates of heaven, with water flowing furiously.

[Qamar 54:12] And caused springs to gush out from the earth, so that the two waters met totalling a quantity that had been destined.

[Qamar 54:13] And We carried Nooh upon a ship of wooden planks and nails.

[Qamar 54:14] Sailing in front of Our sight; as a reward for the sake of one who was rejected.

[Qamar 54:15] And We left it as a sign � so is there one who would ponder?

[Qamar 54:16] So how did My punishment turn out, and My threats?

[Qamar 54:17] And We have indeed made the Qur�an easy to memorise, so is there one who would remember?

[Qamar 54:18] The tribe of A�ad denied � so how did My punishment turn out, and My warnings?

[Qamar 54:19] We indeed sent towards them a severe windstorm, on a day the ill luck of which lasted upon them forever.

[Qamar 54:20] Smashing down men as if they were uprooted trunks of date palms.

[Qamar 54:21] So how did My punishment turn out, and My warnings?

[Qamar 54:22] And We have indeed made the Qur�an easy to memorise, so is there one who would remember?

[Qamar 54:23] The tribe of Thamud denied the Noble Messengers.

Section 2

[Qamar 54:24] So they said, �What! Shall we follow a man from among us? If we do, we are indeed astray, and insane!�

[Qamar 54:25] �What! Of all the men among us, the remembrance has come down upon him? In fact, he is a mischievous, great liar.�

[Qamar 54:26] It was said to Saleh, �They will soon realise tomorrow who is the mischievous great liar.�

[Qamar 54:27] �We shall send a she-camel to test them, therefore O Saleh, wait and have patience.�