[Luqman 31:29] O listener, did you not see that Allah brings the night in a part of the day and brings the day in a part of the night, and that He has subjected the sun and the moon - each one runs for its fixed term - and that Allah is Well Aware of your deeds?

[Luqman 31:30] This is because only Allah is the Truth, and all that they worship besides Him are falsehood, and because only Allah is the Supreme, the Great.

Section 4

[Luqman 31:31] Did you not see that the ship sails on the sea by Allah�s grace, so that He may show you some of His signs? Indeed in this are signs for every greatly enduring, grateful person.

[Luqman 31:32] And if a wave comes upon them like mountains, they pray to Allah believing purely in Him; then when He brings them safely to land, some of them remain upon justice; and none will deny Our signs except an extremely unfaithful, ungrateful person.

[Luqman 31:33] O mankind! Fear your Lord, and fear the Day in which no father will benefit his child; nor will any good child be of any benefit to the father; indeed Allah�s promise is true; so never may the worldly life deceive you; and never may the great cheat deceive you in respect of Allah�s commands.

[Luqman 31:34] Indeed Allah has the knowledge of the Last Day! And He sends down the rain; and He knows all what is in the mothers� wombs; and no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow; and no soul knows the place where it will die; indeed Allah is the All Knowing, the Informer. (He may reveal the knowledge to whomever He wills.)