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[Zukhruf 43:11] And Who sent down water from the sky with a proper measure, so We revived a dead city with it; this is how you will be taken out. [Zukhruf 43:12] And the One Who created all pairs, and made the ships and cattle as rides for you. [Zukhruf 43:13] So that you may properly mount their backs, and may remember your Lord�s favour when you have mounted them, and say, �Purity is to Him, Who has given this ride in our control, and we did not have the strength for it.� [Zukhruf 43:14] �And indeed we have to return to our Lord.� [Zukhruf 43:15] And from His bondmen, they appointed a portion for Him; man is indeed an open ingrate.
Section 2 [Zukhruf 43:16] Has He chosen daughters for Himself from His creation, and selected only sons for you? [Zukhruf 43:17] And if one of them is given the glad tidings of what he professes regarding the Most Gracious, his face blackens and he is mournful! [Zukhruf 43:18] And (do they chose for Him) one who is brought up among ornaments, and cannot express herself clearly in debate? [Zukhruf 43:19] And they appoint the angels, who are the bondmen of the Most Gracious, as females; were they present at the time of the angels� creation? Their declaration will be now recorded and they will be questioned. [Zukhruf 43:20] And they say, �If the Most Gracious had willed, we would not have worshipped them!� They do not know its truth at all; they only make guesses. [Zukhruf 43:21] Or have We given them some Book before this, to which they hold fast? [Zukhruf 43:22] Rather they said, �We found our forefathers
upon a religion, and we are following their footsteps.� |