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[Ahqaf 46:6] And on the day when people are gathered, they will become their enemies, and will reject their worshippers. (The idols will give testimony against the polytheists.) [Ahqaf 46:7] And when Our clear verses are recited to them, the disbelievers say regarding the Truth that has come to them, �This is an obvious magic!� [Ahqaf 46:8] What! They dare say, �He has fabricated it�? Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), �If I have fabricated it, then (I know that) you have no power to support me against Allah; He well knows the matters you are involved in; He is Sufficient as a Witness between me and you; and He only is the Oft Forgiving, the Most Merciful.� [Ahqaf 46:9] Say, �I am not something new* among the Noble Messengers, nor do I know (on my own) what will happen to me** or with you; I only follow that which is divinely revealed to me, and I am purely a Herald of clear warning. (* I am like the earlier ones. ** My knowledge comes due to divine revelations.) [Ahqaf 46:10] Say, �What is your opinion - if the Qur�an is from Allah and you have rejected faith in it, and a witness among the Descendants of Israel has already testified upon this and accepted faith, while you became arrogant? Indeed Allah does not guide the unjust.� Section 2 [Ahqaf 46:11] And the disbelievers said regarding the Muslims, �If there were any good in it, the Muslims would not have surpassed us in achieving it!�; and since they did not receive guidance with it, they will now say, �This is an old slander.� [Ahqaf 46:12] And whereas before this exists the Book of Moosa, a guide and a mercy; and this is a Book giving testimony, in the Arabic language, to warn the unjust; and to give glad tidings to the virtuous. [Ahqaf 46:13] Indeed those who said, �Allah is our Lord�, and then remained steadfast - upon them is neither any fear nor shall they grieve. [Ahqaf 46:14] They are the People of Paradise, abiding
in it forever; the reward of their deeds. |