[Momin 40:50] They said, �Is it not that your Noble Messengers used to come to you with clear signs?� They said, �Why not, surely yes!� They said, �Then you yourselves pray�; and the prayer of the disbelievers is nothing but astray.

Section 6

[Momin 40:51] Indeed We will surely help Our Noble Messengers, and the believers, in the life of this world and on the day when the witnesses will be standing.

[Momin 40:52] The day on which the unjust will not gain any benefit from their excuses, and for them is the curse, and for them is the wretched home.

[Momin 40:53] And indeed We gave Moosa the guidance, and bequeathed the Book to the Descendants of Israel.

[Momin 40:54] A guidance and an advice for the people of intellect.

[Momin 40:55] Therefore be patient (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), undoubtedly Allah�s promise is true, and seek forgiveness for the sins of your own people, and praising your Lord, proclaim His Purity morning and evening.

[Momin 40:56] Those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah without any proof having come to them - in their hearts is nothing but a craving for greatness which they shall never achieve; therefore seek the refuge of Allah; indeed He only is the All Hearing, the All Seeing.

[Momin 40:57] Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is far greater than the creation of men, but most people do not know.

[Momin 40:58] And the blind and the sighted are not equal - and neither are the believers who perform good deeds and the wicked equal; how very little do you ponder!