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[Ankabut 29:15] And We rescued him and the people aboard the ship, and made the ship a sign for the entire world. [Ankabut 29:16] And (remember) Ibrahim � when he said to his people, �Worship Allah and fear Him; that is better for you, if you knew!� [Ankabut 29:17] �You worship only idols instead of Allah, and only forge a clear lie; indeed those whom you worship instead of Allah do not control your sustenance � therefore seek your sustenance from Allah, and worship Him, and be grateful to Him; it is towards Him that you will be returned.� [Ankabut 29:18] �And if you deny, then many nations have denied before you; and the Noble Messenger is not responsible except to plainly convey (the message).� [Ankabut 29:19] Have they not seen how Allah initiates the creation, then will create it again? Indeed that is easy for Allah. [Ankabut 29:20] Proclaim (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), �Travel in the land and see how He creates for the first time, then Allah brings forth the next development; indeed Allah is Able to do all things.� [Ankabut 29:21] He punishes whomever He wills and has mercy upon whomever He wills; and towards Him only you are to return. [Ankabut 29:22] Neither can you escape (from His control) in the earth nor in the sky; and for you, other than Allah, there is neither a friend nor a supporter. Section 3
[Ankabut 29:23] And those who did not believe in My signs
and in meeting Me, are those who have no hope of My mercy, and for them
is a painful punishment. |