[Ahqaf 46:15] And We have commanded man to be good towards parents; his mother bore him with hardship, and delivered him with hardship; and carrying him and weaning him is for thirty months; until when he * reached maturity and became forty years of age, he said, �My Lord! Inspire me to be thankful for the favours you bestowed upon me and my parents, and that I may perform the deeds pleasing to You, and keep merit among my offspring; I have inclined towards you and I am a Muslim.� (* This verse was revealed concerning S. Abu Bakr - the first caliph - may Allah be well pleased with him).

[Ahqaf 46:16] These are the ones whose good deeds We will accept, and overlook their shortfalls - among the People of Paradise; a true promise which is being given to them.

[Ahqaf 46:17] And the one who said to his parents, �Uff - I am fed up with both of you! What! You promise me that I will be raised again whereas generations have passed away before me?� And they both seek Allah�s help and say to him, �May you be ruined, accept faith! Indeed Allah�s promise is true�; he therefore answers, �This is nothing except stories of former people.�

[Ahqaf 46:18] It is these upon whom the Word has proved true, among the nations that passed away before them, of jinns and men; indeed they were losers.

[Ahqaf 46:19] And for all persons are ranks according to their deeds; and so that He may repay them in full for their deeds, and they will not be wronged.

[Ahqaf 46:20] And on the day when the disbelievers will be presented upon the fire; it will be said to them, �You have wasted your portion of the good things in the life of this world and enjoyed them; so this day you will be repaid with the disgraceful punishment, the recompense of your wrongfully priding yourself in the land, and because you used to disobey.�