[Fatir 35:31] And the Book which We have divinely revealed to you � that is the Truth, confirming the Books which were before it; indeed Allah is Aware of His bondmen, All Seeing.

[Fatir 35:32] We then made Our chosen bondmen the inheritors of the Book; so among them is one who wrongs himself; and among them is one who stays on the middle course; and among them is one who, by the command of Allah, surpassed others in good deeds; this is the great favour!

[Fatir 35:33] They shall enter the Gardens of everlasting stay (Eden) � in which they shall be given to adorn armlets of gold and pearls; and their garment in it is silk.

[Fatir 35:34] And they will say; �All praise is to Allah Who has put away our grief; indeed Our Lord is Oft Forgiving, Most Appreciative.�

[Fatir 35:35] �The One Who has, by His munificence, established us in a place of serenity; in which no hardship shall ever reach us nor any fatigue affect us.�

[Fatir 35:36] And for those who disbelieved is the fire of hell; neither does their final seizure come that they may die, nor is its punishment lightened for them; this is how We punish every extremely ungrateful person.

[Fatir 35:37] And they shall be screaming in it; �Our Lord! Extricate us, so that we may do good deeds, the opposite of what we used to do�; (It will be said to them) �And did We not give you an age long enough, in which anyone who wants to understand would have understood? And the Herald of Warning did come to you; therefore now taste it � for the unjust do not have any supporter.�

Section 5

[Fatir 35:38] Indeed Allah is All Knowing � of all the hidden things in the heavens and in the earth; indeed He knows what lies within the hearts.