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4:128] And if a woman fears ill treatment from her husband or disinterest, so
it is no sin for them if they reach an agreement of peace between themselves;
and peace is better; and the heart is trapped in greed; and if you do good and
practice piety, then Allah is Well Aware of it. [Nisa
4:129] And you will never be able to deal equally between women however much
you may desire - therefore do not be totally inclined towards one leaving the
other in uncertainty; and if you do good and practice piety, then (know
that) Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
4:130] And if the two separate, Allah will make each one independent of the
other, with His Capability; and Allah is Most Capable, Wise. [Nisa
4:131] And to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all
whatever is in the earth; and indeed We have commanded those who received the
Books before you, and commanded you, that keep fearing Allah; and if you
disbelieve, undoubtedly to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens
and all whatever is in the earth; and Allah is Independent, Worthy Of All
Praise. [Nisa
4:132] And to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all
whatever is in the earth; and Allah is Sufficient as a Trustee (of
affairs). [Nisa
4:133] O people! He can remove you and bring others, if He wills; and Allah is
Able to do that. [Nisa
4:134] Whoever desires the reward of this world, then with Allah only lie
both - the rewards of this world and of the Hereafter; and Allah is All
Hearing, All Seeing. |