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TAKWEER (THE ROLLING UP) Section 1 Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful [Takweer 81:1] When the sunlight is rolled up. [Takweer 81:2] And when the stars fall down. [Takweer 81:3] And when the mountains are driven. [Takweer 81:4] And when milch camels roam abandoned. [Takweer 81:5] And when wild animals are herded together. [Takweer 81:6] And when the seas are set afire. [Takweer 81:7] And when the souls are paired. [Takweer 81:8] And when the girl-child who was buried alive is asked. [Takweer 81:9] Upon what sin was she killed for. [Takweer 81:10] And when the Records of Account are laid bare. [Takweer 81:11] And when the heaven is torn away. [Takweer 81:12] And when hell is further enflamed. [Takweer 81:13] And when Paradise is brought near. [Takweer 81:14] Every soul will then come know what it has brought. [Takweer 81:15] So by oath of those that revolve. (The planets.) [Takweer 81:16] Who move straight and stop. [Takweer 81:17] And by oath of the night when it turns back. [Takweer 81:18] And by oath of the morning when it takes birth. [Takweer 81:19] This is indeed the recitation of an honoured Noble Messenger. (Angel Jibreel � peace and blessings be upon him.) [Takweer 81:20] The mighty, the honoured in the presence of the Lord of the Throne. [Takweer 81:21] The one who is obeyed, and trustworthy. (Other angels obey angel Jibreel). [Takweer 81:22] And your companion is not insane. [Takweer 81:23] And indeed he saw him on the clear horizon. (Prophet Mohammed saw Angel Jibreel in his true shape � peace and blessings be upon them). [Takweer 81:24] And this Prophet is not miserly upon the hidden. (Allah gave the knowledge of the hidden to the Holy Prophet � peace and blessings be upon him.) [Takweer 81:25] And the Qur�an is not the recitation of Satan the outcast. [Takweer 81:26] So where are you going? [Takweer 81:27] That is but an advice to the entire creation! [Takweer 81:28] For the one among you who wishes to become upright. [Takweer 81:29] And what will you wish, except if Allah
wills � the Lord of the Creation. |