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[Kahf 18:28] And restrain yourself along with those who pray to their Lord morning and evening, seeking His pleasure; and may not your sight fall on anything besides them; would you desire the adornment of the life of this world? And do not follow him whose heart We have made neglectful of Our remembrance � the one who has followed his own desires and his matter has crossed the limits. [Kahf 18:29] And proclaim, The Truth is from your Lord; so whoever wills may accept faith, and whoever wills may disbelieve - We have indeed prepared for the disbelievers a fire the walls of which will surround them; if they plead for water, their plea will be answered with water like molten metal which shall scald their faces; what an evil drink it is; and what an evil destination is hell! [Kahf 18:30] Indeed those who believed and did good deeds - We do not waste the reward of those whose deeds are good. [Kahf 18:31] For them are everlasting Gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow - in it they will be given bracelets of gold to adorn, and shall wear green clothes made of fine silk and gold embroidery, reclining upon thrones in it; what an excellent reward; and what an excellent abode is Paradise!
Section 5 [Kahf 18:32] And relate to them the account of the two men - to one We gave two gardens of grapes, and covered them with date-palms and kept farms between them. [Kahf 18:33] Both the gardens gave yields and gave no shortfall in it - and We made a river to flow between the two. [Kahf 18:34] And he had fruit; he therefore
said to his companion - and he used to debate with him - "I exceed you
in wealth, and am more powerful in respect of men." |