Section 1

Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[Balad 90:1] I swear by this city (Makkah) -

[Balad 90:2] For you (O dear Prophet Mohammed � peace and blessings be upon him) are in this city.

[Balad 90:3] And by oath of your forefather Ibrahim, and by you - his illustrious son!

[Balad 90:4] We have indeed created man surrounded by hardships.

[Balad 90:5] Does man think that no one will ever have power over him?

[Balad 90:6] He says, �I destroyed vast wealth.�

[Balad 90:7] Does man think that no one saw him?

[Balad 90:8] Did We not make two eyes for him?

[Balad 90:9] And a tongue and two lips?

[Balad 90:10] And did We not guide him to the two elevated things?

[Balad 90:11] So he did not quickly enter the valley.

[Balad 90:12] And what have you understood, what the valley is!

[Balad 90:13] The freeing of a slave!

[Balad 90:14] Or the feeding on a day of hunger.

[Balad 90:15] Of a related orphan,

[Balad 90:16] Or of a homeless needy person!

[Balad 90:17] And moreover to be of those who accepted faith, and who urged patience to one another and who urged graciousness to one another.

[Balad 90:18] These are the people of the right.

[Balad 90:19] And those who denied Our signs, are the people of the left.

[Balad 90:20] Upon them is a fire, in which they are imprisoned, closed and shut above them.