Section 9

[Shua`ra 26:160] The people of Lut denied the Noble Messengers.

[Shua`ra 26:161] When their fellowman Lut said to them, �Do you not fear?�

[Shua`ra 26:162] �I am indeed a trustworthy Noble Messenger of Allah to you.�

[Shua`ra 26:163] �Therefore fear Allah and obey me.�

[Shua`ra 26:164] �And I do not ask from you any fee for it; my reward is only upon the Lord Of The Creation.�

[Shua`ra 26:165] �What! Among all the creatures, you commit the immoral acts with men?�

[Shua`ra 26:166] �And leave the wives your Lord has created for you? In fact you are people who exceed the limits.�

[Shua`ra 26:167] They said, �O Lut, if you do not desist, you will be expelled.�

[Shua`ra 26:168] He said, �I am disgusted with your works.�

[Shua`ra 26:169] �My Lord, rescue me and my family from their deeds.�

[Shua`ra 26:170] We therefore rescued him and his entire family.

[Shua`ra 26:171] Except one old woman, who stayed behind.

[Shua`ra 26:172] We then destroyed the others.

[Shua`ra 26:173] And We showered a rain upon them; so what a wretched rain for those who were warned!

[Shua`ra 26:174] Indeed in this is a sign; and most of them were not Muslims.

[Shua`ra 26:175] And indeed your Lord - only He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Section 10

[Shua`ra 26:176] The People of the Woods denied the Noble Messengers.

[Shua`ra 26:177] When Shuaib said to all of them, �Do you not fear?�

[Shua`ra 26:178] �I am indeed a trustworthy Noble Messenger of Allah to you.�

[Shua`ra 26:179] �Therefore fear Allah and obey me.�

[Shua`ra 26:180] �And I do not ask from you any fee for it; my reward is only upon the Lord Of The Creation.�

[Shua`ra 26:181] �Measure in full, and do not be of those who reduce.�

[Shua`ra 26:182] �And weigh with a proper balance.�

[Shua`ra 26:183] �And do not give the people their goods diminished, and do not roam the earth causing turmoil.�