AL WAQIA`H (THE EVENT) Section 1 Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful [Waqia`h 56:1] When the forthcoming event does occur. [Waqia`h 56:2] Then none will be able to deny its occurrence. [Waqia`h 56:3] The event will be abasing some, and exalting some. [Waqia`h 56:4] When the earth will tremble, shivering. [Waqia`h 56:5] And the mountains will be crushed, blown to bits. [Waqia`h 56:6] So they will become like fine dust, scattered in a shaft of light. [Waqia`h 56:7] And you will become divided into three categories. [Waqia`h 56:8] So those on the right � how (fortunate) are those on the right! [Waqia`h 56:9] And those on the left � how (wretched) are those on the left! [Waqia`h 56:10] And those who surpassed have indeed excelled. [Waqia`h 56:11] It is they who are the close ones. [Waqia`h 56:12] They are in Gardens of peace. [Waqia`h 56:13] A large group from the earlier generations. [Waqia`h 56:14] And a few from the latter. [Waqia`h 56:15] On studded thrones. [Waqia`h 56:16] Reclining on them, facing each other.