[Ahzab 33:44] For them the salutation upon their meeting * is �Peace�; and an honourable reward is kept prepared for them. (* Upon death / while entering Paradise / meeting with Allah).

[Ahzab 33:45] O Herald of the Hidden! We have indeed sent you as an observing present witness and a Herald of glad tidings and warning.

[Ahzab 33:46] And as a caller towards Allah, by His command, and as a sun that enlightens. (The Holy Prophet is a light from Allah.)

[Ahzab 33:47] And give glad tidings to the believers that for them is Allah�s extreme munificence.

[Ahzab 33:48] And do not please the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and overlook the pain they cause and rely upon Allah; and Allah suffices as a Trustee.

[Ahzab 33:49] O People who Believe! If you marry Muslim women and divorce them without having touched them, so for you there is no waiting period for the women, which you may count; therefore give them some benefit and release them with a proper release.

[Ahzab 33:50] O Herald of the Hidden! We have indeed made lawful for you the wives to whom you have paid their bridal money, and the bondwomen you possess whom Allah gave you as war booty, and the daughters of your paternal uncles, and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles, and the daughters of your maternal aunts, those who migrated with you; and the believing woman if she gifts her life to the Prophet, if the Prophet desires to take her in marriage; this is exclusively for you, not for your followers; We indeed know what We have enjoined upon the Muslims concerning their wives and the bondwomen they possess � this exclusivity for you is so that you may not have constraints; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.