[Saad 38:62] And they say, �What is the matter with us that we do not see the men whom we thought were evil?�

[Saad 38:63] �Did we mock at them or did our eyes turn away from them?�

[Saad 38:64] Indeed this is really true � the people of the hell quarrelling among themselves.

[Saad 38:65] Proclaim (O dear Prophet Mohammed � peace and blessings be upon him), �I am purely a Herald of Warning - and there is no God except Allah, the One, the All Dominant.�

[Saad 38:66] �Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them - the Almighty, the Oft Forgiving.�

[Saad 38:67] Say, �That is a great tidings.�

[Saad 38:68] �You are neglectful of it!�

[Saad 38:69] �What did I know of the heavenly world, when the angels had disputed.�

[Saad 38:70] �I receive only the divine revelations, that I am purely a clear Herald of Warning.�

[Saad 38:71] (Remember) When your Lord said to the angels, �I will create a human from clay.� -

[Saad 38:72] �So when I have perfected him and breathed into him a spirit from Myself, (you all) fall down before him in prostration.�

[Saad 38:73] So all the angels prostrated, every one, without exception.

[Saad 38:74] Except Iblis; he was proud and was, from the beginning, a disbeliever.

[Saad 38:75] Said Allah, �O Iblis! What prevented you from prostrating before one whom I have created with My hands*? Have you become proud or were you haughty from the beginning?� (Used as a metaphor).

[Saad 38:76] Said Iblis, �I am better than him; You made me from fire, and You have created him from clay!�

[Saad 38:77] He said, �Therefore exit from heaven, for you have been outcast.� (To disrespect the Prophets � peace and blessings be upon them � is blasphemy.)

[Saad 38:78] �And indeed My curse is upon you till the Day of Judgement.�

[Saad 38:79] He said, �My Lord! Therefore give me respite till the day when all will be raised.�

[Saad 38:80] Said Allah, �You are therefore among those given respite.�

[Saad 38:81] �Until the time of the known day.�

[Saad 38:82] He said, �Therefore, by oath of Your honour, I will surely mislead all of them.�

[Saad 38:83] �Except Your chosen bondmen among them.�

[Saad 38:84] Said Allah, �So this is the truth; and I speak only the truth.� -

[Saad 38:85] �That I will fill hell with you and with those among them who follow you, all together.�

[Saad 38:86] Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed � peace and blessings be upon him) �I do not ask any fee from you for the Qur�an, and I am not a fabricator.�

[Saad 38:87] �It is not but an advice for the entire world.�

[Saad 38:88] �And you will come to know of its tidings, after a while.�