[Naml 27:36] So when the envoy came to Sulaiman, he said, �Are you helping me with wealth? What Allah has bestowed upon me is better than what He has given you; rather it is you who are delighted at your gift.�

[Naml 27:37] �Go back to them � so we shall indeed come upon them with an army they cannot fight, and degrading them shall certainly drive them out from that city, so they will be humiliated.�

[Naml 27:38] Said Sulaiman, �O court members, which one of you can bring me her throne before they come humbled in my presence?�

[Naml 27:39] An extremely evil jinn said, �I will bring it in your presence before you disperse the assembly; and I am indeed strong and trustworthy upon it.�

[Naml 27:40] Said one who had knowledge of the Book, �I will bring it in your majesty�s presence before you bat your eyelid�; then when he saw it set in his presence*, Sulaiman said, �This is of the favours of my Lord; so that He may test me whether I give thanks or am ungrateful; and whoever gives thanks only gives thanks for his own good; and whoever is ungrateful � then indeed my Lord is the Independent (Not Needing Anything), the Owner Of All Praise.� (A miracle which occurred through one of Allah�s friends.)

[Naml 27:41] Said Sulaiman, �Disguise her throne in front of her so that we may see whether she finds the way * or becomes of those who remain unknowing.� (*Recognises her throne.)

[Naml 27:42] Then when she came, it was said to her, �Is your throne like this? She said, �As if this is it! And we came to know about this incident beforehand and submit (to you).�

[Naml 27:43] And the thing she used to worship instead of Allah prevented her; she was indeed from the disbelieving people.

[Naml 27:44] It was said to her, �Enter the hall�; and when she saw it she thought it was a pool and bared her shins *; said Sulaiman, �This is only is a smooth hall, affixed with glass�; she said, �My Lord, I have indeed wronged myself, and I now submit myself along with Sulaiman to Allah, the Lord Of The Creation.� (* In order to cross it)