[A/I`mran 3:141] And so that Allah may purify * the believers, and destroy the disbelievers. (* Forgive them their sins, if any.)

[A/I`mran 3:142] What! You assume that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet tested your warriors, nor yet tested the steadfast?

[A/I`mran 3:143] And you used to wish for death before you met it; so now you see it before your eyes.

Section 15

[A/I`mran 3:144] And Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him) is purely * a Noble Messenger; there have been Noble Messengers before him; so if he departs or is martyred, will you turn back on your heels? So whoever turns back on his heels does not cause any harm to Allah; and Allah will soon reward the thankful. (* Neither God nor an angel, but a human being with the highest spiritual status.)

[A/I`mran 3:145] And no soul can die except by Allah�s command - a time has been appointed for each; whoever desires the rewards of this world, We bestow upon him from it; and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter, We bestow upon him from it; and We shall soon reward the thankful.

[A/I`mran 3:146] And many Prophets have fought in Allah�s cause - and many devoted men were with them; so neither did they lose heart due to the calamities that befell them in Allah's cause, nor did they weaken and nor were they subdued; and the steadfast are the beloved of Allah.

[A/I`mran 3:147] And they never said anything except that they invoked, �Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and the excesses committed during our efforts, and keep our feet steady, and bestow us help over the disbelievers.�

Section 16

[A/I`mran 3:148] So Allah gave them the reward of this world and the best of rewards in the Hereafter; and Allah loves the righteous.