[Waqia`h 56:51] Then indeed you, the astray, the deniers -

[Waqia`h 56:52] You will indeed eat from the Zaqqum tree.

[Waqia`h 56:53] Then will fill your bellies with it.

[Waqia`h 56:54] And upon it, you will drink the hot boiling water.

[Waqia`h 56:55] Drinking the way thirsty camels drink.

[Waqia`h 56:56] This is their reception on the Day of Justice.

[Waqia`h 56:57] It is We Who created you, so why do you not accept the truth?

[Waqia`h 56:58] So what is your opinion regarding the semen you discharge?

[Waqia`h 56:59] Do you make a human out of it, or is it We Who create?

[Waqia`h 56:60] It is We Who have ordained death among you, and We have not been beaten -

[Waqia`h 56:61] In the matter of exchanging you for others, and to transform you into what you do not know.

[Waqia`h 56:62] And you have indeed learnt about the first creation, so why do you not ponder?

[Waqia`h 56:63] So what is your opinion regarding what you sow?

[Waqia`h 56:64] Is it you who cultivate it, or is it We Who develop it?

[Waqia`h 56:65] If We will We can make it like dry trampled hay, so you would keep crying out.

[Waqia`h 56:66] That, �We have indeed been penalised!�

[Waqia`h 56:67] �In fact, we were unfortunate!�

[Waqia`h 56:68] So what is your opinion regarding the water that you drink?

[Waqia`h 56:69] Is it you who caused it to descend from the cloud, or is it We Who cause it to descend?

[Waqia`h 56:70] If We will We can make it bitter, so why do you not give thanks?

[Waqia`h 56:71] So what is your opinion regarding the fire which you kindle?

[Waqia`h 56:72] It is you who grew its tree, or is it We Who create?

[Waqia`h 56:73] We have made it as a reminder of hell and as a utility for travellers in the jungle.

Section 3

[Waqia`h 56:74] Therefore (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) proclaim the Purity of the name of your Lord, the Greatest.

[Waqia`h 56:75] So I swear by the setting places of the stars.

[Waqia`h 56:76] And that is indeed a tremendous oath, if you understand.