[Zumar 39:6] It is He Who created you from a single being, and then from the same being created its spouse, and sent down for you eight pairs of animals; He creates you in your mothers� wombs, from one sort to another, in a triple darkness; such is Allah, your Lord � for Him only is the kingship; there is no God except Him; so where are you being turned away?

[Zumar 39:7] If you become ungrateful, then (know that) indeed Allah is Independent of you; and He does not like the ungratefulness of His bondmen; and if you give thanks, He is pleased with it for you; and no burdened soul will bear another soul�s burden; you have then to return towards your Lord � He will therefore inform you of what you used to do; undoubtedly, He knows what lies within the hearts.

[Zumar 39:8] And when some hardship strikes man, he prays to his Lord, inclined only towards Him � then when Allah grants him a favour from Himself, he forgets why he had prayed to Him earlier, and sets up equals to Allah in order to mislead from Allah�s way; proclaim, �Revel in your disbelief for some days; you are indeed of the people of the fire.�

[Zumar 39:9] Will he, whose night hours pass in obedience while prostrating and standing, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord, ever be equal to the disobedient? Proclaim, �Are the knowledgeable and the ignorant equal?� It is only the men of intellect who heed advice.

Section 2

[Zumar 39:10] Proclaim (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), �O my slaves who have accepted faith! Fear your Lord; for those who do good deeds in this world, is goodness (in return); and Allah�s earth is spacious; it is the steadfast who will be paid their full reward, without account.�