Section 1

Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[Mutaffifeen 83:1] Ruin is for the defrauders. (Those who measure less.)

[Mutaffifeen 83:2] Those who when they take the measure from others, take it in full!

[Mutaffifeen 83:3] Whereas when they give others after measuring or weighing, they give them less!

[Mutaffifeen 83:4] What! Do they not expect that they will be raised?

[Mutaffifeen 83:5] (To be raised) for a Great Day?

[Mutaffifeen 83:6] The day when everyone will stand before the Lord Of The Creation.

[Mutaffifeen 83:7] Indeed, the record of the disbelievers is in the lowest place, the Sijjeen.

[Mutaffifeen 83:8] And what do you know, how (wretched) the Sijjeen is!

[Mutaffifeen 83:9] The record is a sealed text.

[Mutaffifeen 83:10] Ruin is for the deniers on that day!

[Mutaffifeen 83:11] Those who deny the Day of Justice.

[Mutaffifeen 83:12] And none will deny it, except every transgressor, rebel.

[Mutaffifeen 83:13] When you recite Our verses to him, he says, �Stories of earlier men!�

[Mutaffifeen 83:14] Not at all � but rather their earnings have heaped rust upon their hearts.

[Mutaffifeen 83:15] Yes indeed � they will be deprived of seeing their Lord on that day.

[Mutaffifeen 83:16] Then indeed they have to enter hell.

[Mutaffifeen 83:17] It will then be said, �This is what you used to deny.�

[Mutaffifeen 83:18] Indeed the record of the virtuous is in the highest place, the Illiyin.

[Mutaffifeen 83:19] And what do you know what the Illiyoon are!

[Mutaffifeen 83:20] The record is a sealed text.

[Mutaffifeen 83:21] Which is witnessed by the close ones.

[Mutaffifeen 83:22] Indeed the virtuous are in serenity.

[Mutaffifeen 83:23] On thrones, watching.

[Mutaffifeen 83:24] You will recognise the freshness of serenity on their faces.

[Mutaffifeen 83:25] They will be given pure wine to drink, which is kept preserved, sealed.

[Mutaffifeen 83:26] Its seal is upon musk; and for this should those who crave be eager.

[Mutaffifeen 83:27] And it is mixed with Tasneem.

[Mutaffifeen 83:28] The spring from which drink the ones close to Allah.

[Mutaffifeen 83:29] Indeed the guilty used to laugh at the believers.

[Mutaffifeen 83:30] And when the believers used to pass by, they used to gesture at each other with their eyes.

[Mutaffifeen 83:31] And whilst returning to their homes, they used to return rejoicing.

[Mutaffifeen 83:32] And upon seeing the Muslims, they used to say, �Indeed they have gone astray.�

[Mutaffifeen 83:33] Whereas they have not at all been sent as guardians over them.

[Mutaffifeen 83:34] So this day it is the believers who laugh at the disbelievers.

[Mutaffifeen 83:35] On high thrones, watching.

[Mutaffifeen 83:36] Did not the disbelievers get repaid for what they used to do?