[Ruum 30:16] And those who disbelieved, and denied Our signs and confronting the Hereafter � they will be hauled into the punishment.

[Ruum 30:17] So proclaim the Purity of Allah when you witness the night and the morning.

[Ruum 30:18] And only His is the praise in the heavens and the earth - and before the day ends and at noon.

[Ruum 30:19] He brings forth the living from the dead, and brings forth the dead from the living, and He revives the earth after its death; and this how you will be raised.

Section 3

[Ruum 30:20] And among His signs is that He created you from dust, and therefore you are human beings spread in the earth.

[Ruum 30:21] And among His signs is that He created spouses for you from yourselves for you to gain rest from them, and kept love and mercy between yourselves; indeed in this are signs for the people who ponder.

[Ruum 30:22] And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the differences in your languages and colours; indeed in this are signs for people who know.

[Ruum 30:23] And among His signs is your sleeping during the night and day, and your seeking His munificence; indeed in this are signs for people who heed.

[Ruum 30:24] And among His signs is that He shows you the lightning, instilling fear and hope, and sends down water from the sky, so revives the earth after its death; indeed in this are signs for people of intellect.