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Section 3 [Zumar 39:22] So will he whose bosom Allah has opened up for Islam - he is therefore upon a light from his Lord - ever be equal to one who is stone hearted? Therefore ruin is for those whose hearts are hardened towards the remembrance of Allah; they are in open error. [Zumar 39:23] Allah has sent down the best of Books (the Holy Qur�an), which is consistent throughout, the one with paired statements; the hairs on the skins of those who fear their Lord, stand on end with it; then their skins and their hearts soften, inclined towards the remembrance of Allah; this is the guidance of Allah, He may guide whomever He wills with it; and whomever Allah sends astray, there is no guide for him. [Zumar 39:24] So will he who will not have a shield except his own face against the wretched punishment on the Day of Resurrection, ever be equal to one who is forgiven? And it will be said to the unjust, �Taste what you have earned!� [Zumar 39:25] Those before them had denied, therefore the punishment came to them from a place they did not know. [Zumar 39:26] So Allah made them taste humiliation in the life of this world; and indeed the punishment of the Hereafter is the greatest; if only they knew! [Zumar 39:27] And We have indeed illustrated examples of all kinds in this Qur�an, so that they may ponder. [Zumar 39:28] The Qur�an in Arabic, having no deviation at all, so that they may be pious. [Zumar 39:29] Allah illustrates an example - �A man having several wicked masters as partners, and another man belonging wholly to just one master; are the two equal in comparison?� All praise is to Allah; in fact, most among them do not know. [Zumar 39:30] Indeed you (O dear Prophet Mohammed � peace and blessings be upon him) will taste death, and they (the disbelievers) too will die. [Zumar 39:31] Then you will dispute before your Lord on
the Day of Resurrection. |