[Maidah 5:71] And they assumed that there will be no punishment, so they turned blind and deaf - then Allah accepted their penance, then again many of them turned blind and deaf; and Allah is seeing their deeds.

[Maidah 5:72] They are certainly disbelievers who say, �Allah is actually the Messiah, the son of Maryam�; whereas the Messiah had said, �O Descendants of Israel, worship Allah Who is my Lord and (also) your Lord�; undoubtedly whoever ascribes partners with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him; his destination is hell; and the unjust do not have any supporters.

[Maidah 5:73] They are certainly disbelievers who say, �Indeed Allah is the third of the three Gods�; whereas there is no God except the One God; and if they do not desist from their speech, undoubtedly a painful punishment will reach those among them who die as disbelievers.

[Maidah 5:74] So why do they not incline towards Allah and seek His forgiveness? And Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.

[Maidah 5:75] The Messiah, the son of Maryam, is purely a Noble Messenger; many Noble Messengers have passed before him; and his mother is a truthful woman; they both used to eat food; see how We make the signs clear for them, and see how they turn away!

[Maidah 5:76] Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), �What! You worship, other than Allah, that which is neither the controller of your losses nor of your benefits? And Allah only is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.�