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4:15] And take testimony from four chosen men amongst you, against the women
among you who commit adultery; and if they testify, confine those women in the
houses until death takes them away or Allah creates a solution for them.
4:16] And punish them both, the man and the woman, whoever are
guilty of it (adultery); then if
they repent and become pious, leave them; indeed Allah is the Most Acceptor Of
Repentance, Most Merciful.
4:17] Undoubtedly the repentance which Allah has by His grace made obligatory
upon Himself to accept, is only the repentance of
those who commit sin in folly and then soon repent - towards them does Allah
incline in mercy; and Allah is the All Knowing, the Wise.
4:18] And that repentance is not of those who constantly commit sins, and when
death approaches one of them, he says, "I
repent now", nor of those who die as disbelievers; for them, We have kept
prepared a painful punishment.
4:19] O People who Believe! It is not lawful for you to forcibly become the
women�s heirs; and do not restrain women with the intention of taking away a
part of bridal money you gave them, unless they openly commit the shameful;
and deal kindly with them; and if you do not like them, so it is possible that
you dislike a thing in which Allah has placed abundant good.