Section 1

Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[Muzzammil 73:1] O the One Wrapped in piety! (Prophet Mohammed � peace and blessings be upon him)

[Muzzammil 73:2] Stand up for worship during the night, except for some part of it.

[Muzzammil 73:3] For half the night, or reduce some from it.

[Muzzammil 73:4] Or increase a little upon it, and recite the Qur�an slowly in stages.

[Muzzammil 73:5] Indeed We shall soon ordain a heavy responsibility upon you.

[Muzzammil 73:6] Indeed getting up in the night is tougher, and the words flow with strength.

[Muzzammil 73:7] Indeed you have a lot of matters during the day.

[Muzzammil 73:8] And remember the name of your Lord and, leaving others, devote yourself solely to Him.

[Muzzammil 73:9] Lord of the East and Lord of the West - there is no God except Him, therefore make Him your sole Trustee of affairs.

[Muzzammil 73:10] And patiently endure upon what the disbelievers say, and leave them for good.

[Muzzammil 73:11] And leave them to Me � these wealthy deniers � and give them some respite.

[Muzzammil 73:12] Indeed We have heavy fetters and a blazing fire.

[Muzzammil 73:13] And food that chokes, and a painful punishment.

[Muzzammil 73:14] On a day when the earth and the mountains will tremble, and the mountains turn into dunes of flowing sand.

[Muzzammil 73:15] We have indeed sent a Noble Messenger towards you, a present witness over you � the way We had sent a Noble Messenger towards Firaun.

[Muzzammil 73:16] In response Firaun disobeyed the Noble Messenger, so We seized him with a severe seizure.

[Muzzammil 73:17] So how will you save yourselves, if you disbelieve, on a day that will turn children old?

[Muzzammil 73:18] The heaven will split asunder with its grief; the promise of Allah will surely occur.

[Muzzammil 73:19] This is indeed an advice; so whoever wishes may take the path towards his Lord.

Section 2

[Muzzammil 73:20] Indeed your Lord knows that you stand up in prayer, sometimes almost two-thirds of the night, and sometimes half the night or sometimes a third of it � and also a group of those along with you; Allah keeps measure of the night and day; He knows that you, O Muslims, will not be able to measure the night, so He has inclined towards you with mercy � therefore recite from the Qur�an as much as is easy for you; He knows that soon some of you will fall ill, and some will travel in the land seeking the munificence of Allah, and some will be fighting in Allah�s cause; therefore recite from the Qur�an as much as is easy for you, and establish prayer and pay the obligatory charity, and lend an excellent loan to Allah; and whatever good you send ahead for yourselves, you will find it with Allah, better and having a great reward; and seek forgiveness from Allah; indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.