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AALE I`MRAN (THE FAMILY OF I`MRAN) Section 1 Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful [A/I`mran 3:1] Alif-Laam-Meem. (Alphabets of the Arabic language; Allah and to whomever He reveals, know their precise meanings.) [A/I`mran 3:2] Allah - none is worthy of worship, except Him, He is Alive (eternally, on His own) and the Upholder (keeps others established). [A/I`mran 3:3] He has sent down to you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) this true Book (the Holy Qur�an), confirming the Books before it, and He sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Bible). - [A/I`mran 3:4] Before this, a guidance to mankind; and sent down the Judgement (Criterion to judge between right and wrong); indeed for those who disbelieved in the verses of Allah, is a severe punishment; and Allah is the Almighty, the Avenger (of the wrong). [A/I`mran 3:5] Indeed nothing is hidden from Allah, neither in the earth nor in the heavens. [A/I`mran 3:6] It is He Who fashions (moulds) you in your mothers� wombs as He wills; none is worthy of worship except Him, the Almighty (the Most Honourable), the Wise. [A/I`mran
3:7] It is He Who has sent down to you (O
dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) this Book (the
Qur�an) containing the verses that have a clear meaning - they are the
core of the Book - and other verses the meanings of which are indistinct; those
in whose hearts is deviation pursue the verses having indistinct meanings, in
order to cause turmoil and seeking its (wrongful)
interpretation; and only Allah knows its proper interpretation; and those having
sound knowledge say, �We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord�; and
none accept guidance except the men of understanding. [A/I`mran 3:8] �Our Lord! Do not deviate our hearts after You have guided us, and bestow mercy on us from Yourself; indeed You only are the Great Bestower.� [A/I`mran
3:9] �Our Lord! Indeed You will gather all mankind for a Day about which there
is no doubt"; indeed Allah�s promise does not change. |