[Kahf 18:98] He said, "This is the mercy of my Lord; then when the promise of my Lord arrives, He will blow it to bits; and my Lord�s promise is true."

[Kahf 18:99] And on that day We shall release them in groups surging like waves one after another, and the Trumpet will be blown � so We shall gather them all together. (* Gog and Magog will come out during the time of Eisa (Jesus - when he comes back to earth) and cause great destruction in the land.)

[Kahf 18:100] And We shall bring hell in front of the disbelievers.

[Kahf 18:101] The ones whose eyes were covered from My remembrance, and who could not bear to hear Truth.

Section 12

[Kahf 18:102] Do the disbelievers assume that they will be able to choose My bondmen as supporters other than Me? Indeed We have prepared hell to welcome the disbelievers.

[Kahf 18:103] Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed � peace and blessings be upon him), "Shall we inform you whose are the most failed works?"

[Kahf 18:104] "Of those whose efforts are lost in (pursuit of) the life of this world, and they think that they are doing good deeds."

[Kahf 18:105] The people who disbelieved in the signs of their Lord and in the meeting with Him, therefore all their deeds are in vain �We shall therefore not establish any weighing for them on the Day of Resurrection.

[Kahf 18:106] This is their reward � hell - because they disbelieved, and made a mockery of My verses and My Noble Messengers.

[Kahf 18:107] Indeed those who believed and did good deeds � their welcome are the Gardens of Paradise.

[Kahf 18:108] They will abide in it for ever, never wanting to shift from it.

[Kahf 18:109] Proclaim, "If the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, the sea would indeed be used up and the Words of my Lord would never - even if we bring another like it for help."

[Kahf 18:110] Proclaim, "Physically I am a human * like you - my Lord sends divine revelations to me - that your God is only One God; so whoever expects to meet his Lord must perform good deeds and not ascribe anyone as a partner in the worship of his Lord." (* Human but not equal to you, in fact the greatest in spiritual status.)