[Momin 40:26] And said Firaun, �Allow me to kill Moosa and let him pray to his Lord; I fear that he will change your religion or cause chaos in the land!�

[Momin 40:27] Said Moosa, �I seek the refuge of mine and your Lord, from every haughty person who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.�

Section 4

[Momin 40:28] And said a Muslim man from the people of Firaun, who used to hide his faith, �What! You want to kill a man just because he says, �Allah is my Lord� whereas he has indeed brought clear signs to you from your Lord? And supposedly if he is speaking wrongly, then the calamity of wrongful speech is upon him; and if he is truthful, then part of what he promises you will reach you; indeed Allah does not guide any transgressor, excessive liar.�

[Momin 40:29] �O my people! You now rule the earth, dominant; so who will save us from Allah�s punishment if it comes upon us?� Said Firaun, �I only explain to you what I think is correct, and I show you only the right path.�

[Momin 40:30] And the believer said, �O my people! I fear for you a day similar to that of the earlier groups!�

[Momin 40:31] �Like the tradition of the people of Nooh, and Aad, and Thamud and others after them; and Allah does not will injustice upon bondmen.�

[Momin 40:32] �O my people! I fear for you a day on which will be a great outcry!�

[Momin 40:33] �A day when you will turn back fleeing; none can save you from Allah; and whomever Allah sends astray, there is no guide for him.�